Sharlston Dam and Hall: A Historical Overview

Sharlston Dam is a man-made reservoir located in the village of Sharlston, West Yorkshire, England. It was built in the 18th century to provide water for Sharlston Hall, a large manor house in the village. The dam was expanded in the 19th century to provide water for the newly built Sharlston Colliery. The colliery closed in 1993, but the dam remains an important feature of the village and is now used for recreational purposes.

Sharlston Hall

Sharlston Hall is a Grade ll* Listed building that is a sprawling elite residence which developed from the 15th century as a timber framed hall house with 16th and 17th century additions. The building is located in Sharlston, West Yorkshire, England. It is a complex structure of many building periods, with the earliest identifiable remains revealing a timber framed-house of circa 1400, with later timer framed additions and alterations, followed by further alterations in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Local Insights

Locals have shared some interesting stories about Sharlston Dam and Hall:

  • During the long 1926 miners' strike, miners carried rails and pulled tubes from Sharlston Colliery, laid them near the dam wall, drained the water into the wood, and then set about clearing the mud out.
  • Someone learned to swim in the dam in the 1940s.
  • Some people thought that the hollows were bell mines, whereas others thought they happened when the dam was drained during the miners' strike.

Sharlston Dam Today

Sharlston Dam is a popular spot for fishing, and bird watching. The dam is also surrounded by a number of footpaths and bridleways, making it a popular destination for walkers and cyclists.

Sharlston Dam and Hall are both important parts of the Sharlston community. They provide a place for people to relax, have fun, and learn about the history of the village.

Drone Adventure Video

I have had two drone adventure here and here are my two video, I hope you enjoy them.

Map of Sharlston Dam

There is a car park here and paths around the dam for walks.

Photos around Sharlston Dam

Here are a few photos that I took from my drone

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